
Fold a 12x18 piece of white construction paper.  Draw an Easter bunny on the left side.  On the bottom of the right side, draw 5 Easter eggs.   Make grass by cutting into the top of a 8 1/2 x3" rectangle.  Glue grass onto bottom of right side.  At the top, glue writing paper with a poem.


In My Easter Eggs

Chocolate crunch bunnies,

Pink sugary marshmallow chicks,

Colorful sour fruity jellybeans,

Bubble gum eggs,

Cadbury cream eggs,

In my tummy-----Yummy!


Trace an oval egg on white construction paper.  Using colored chalk, draw a design and smear with kleenex.  Cut the top off the egg.  On yellow construction paper, draw a chick.  Glue chick behind egg.  Glue top of egg to the head of the chick.  On the egg, glue a senses writing.


I hatched from an  Easter egg.

I heard the birds chirping.

I felt the sun shining.

I saw my mom looking down at me.

I smelled the pretty flowers.

I tasted the juicy crunchy bugs my mom tried to feed me.    YUCK!

