
         Activities from Literature Notes and Reading Beyond the Basal



A Good Friend

A good friend will read with me.

A good friend will help me.

A good friend will share toys.

A good friend will take turns.

A good friend will respect me.

My good friend is Elisabeth.

Cut canned biscuits in 4 sections, or get the small biscuits.  Dip biscuits in 1/4 cup butter.  Then dip them in 1/4 cup sugar and 3 T. cinnamon.  Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

Cut a 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 piece of orange tagboard.  Take a digital photo of two friends.  On four popsicle sticks, color them with yellow permanent marker.  Draw a red eraser on one end and a black triangle on the other end to represent pencils.  Glue down picture in center of tagboard.  Glue popsicle sticks end to end to make a frame around the picture.  Attach a magnet strip on the back.  Also glue a copy of the following poem.

We've joined together as classmates

As the new year begins.

A year full of learning

While we become friends.

We'll share and be kind

As we work and we play.

And our friendship will grow

With each passing day.




Are you my Neighbor?


