Getting to Know You


  • As students are coming in on the first day of school, they will complete a Name Puzzle created at the following link: 

  • Read the book, Catalina Magdelena.......... Was Her Name

  • Snowball fight

Students will complete a questionnaire about their name.  The paper is then crumpled into a ball.  "Snowballs" are thrown upon signal.  The students then pick up two more snowballs and throw them at random.  Upon signal, students will pick up a snowball, read it, and try to guess the person's name.

  • Apple Basket Art  - a good Open House project

            Fold 9x12 piece of yellow construction paper in half.  Cut our a "7" to form the basket shape.  Cut slits 1" apart from fold to 1/2" from edge.  Students should weave green 1" strips into basket.  Trace 6 apples and write adjectives that describe student.

  • I Like Lots of Things Poem  -a good Open House project

 I  Like Lots of Things

I like __________ and _________________.  (activities)

I like __________ and _________________.  (food)

But I don't like _____________.  (food)

I like ____________ and _______________.  (school classes)

I like ___________ and ________________.  (friends)

But I love Mom and Dad.


  • I'm Thumbody Special

Students will make a figure using their thumb prints, one print for the head and one below for the body, two thumbprints for arms, and two thumbprints for legs.  The students will then add details to their thumbody.  Then the student will write a three sentence riddle giving clues about themselves. 

An example is:

I am a girl.

I like ballet and basketball.

My favorite food is pizza.

Who am I?

These can be displayed at Open House for the parents to guess which one is their child's picture.
