
               Muscles:  Make home-made weights using milk jugs.

        Mrs. Frizzle Flexes her Muscles DVD

        Mrs. Frizzle Works Out DVD

            Our Brain:  Learn about the effects of drugs and alcohol.  Project 3D Body Adventure CD onto the screen to see nerve endings firing in the brain.

        Just Say No video

            Our Heart:  Discuss blood.  Make blood using yellow food coloring and water for plasma, Cheerios for red blood cells and mini-marshmallows for white blood cells.  Also discuss blood safety and diseases spread through blood contact.

         Mrs. Frizzle Inside Ralphie  DVD

            The Wide World of Food:  Discuss the food pyramid, read food labels, and analyze a school lunch.

        Mrs. Frizzle For Lunch DVD

        Social Studies Tie-In

        Marie Currie - DVD

        Louis Pasteur - DVD
